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I created an article using Adobe InDesign, demonstrating my design skills and ability to effectively communicate information. This assignment was to plan, design, and produce a newsletter that serves a specific purpose and audience. I chose to make a newsletter whose audience is directed towards the gaming community who are people of color. My inspiration was Game Informer. 

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I had to select a non-profit organization that holds personal significance to me, plan an event for them, and create an event invitation. By delving into the mission,

values, and impact of the chosen organization.

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In the Campus Activities and Traditions department every April we celebrate PAWsitive Bearkat month to foster optimism, support, and help on the Sam Houston State University campus. I copywrote this project while my department graphic designer Nakiem Poole created the design. The design gained popularity around campus and the first sticker completely gone from the options we give out to students

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Creative concept postcard design for All Bright Aquariums under Braathe Enterprises in Albany, New York. 

Retail Store Lifestyle Shop Typography Postcard.png

Current Content Creation

as the Vice President for Public Relations of Sam Houston State PRSSA chapter

Creative concepts made for Montgomery County Young Democrats. The mission of the organization is to advocate for getting young people to vote and participate in their community.

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The two posts on the right are apart of our campaign count down to local election day. Which included documenting our block walking events and meetings.

Infographics I made for the organization regarding social events and conversation starter events after state elections.  


Producing engaging posts 5+ times per week, I was able to increase Instagram engagement by over 41.5% and accounts reached by 200%.

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This is a public release for future university changes regarding tuition cost and department cuts. This was written for a public relations assignment.

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PR pitch showcasing SecureGuard Technologies services, written as an assignment for Writing for Mass Media

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